Marcin Popkiewicz
Megatrend analyst, expert and journalist focusing on interconnections between economy, energy, resources and environment. Author of best-selling books “World at the Crossroads”, “Energy Revolution. But why?”, “Climate Science” and “Understanding the Energy Transition”. Founder and editor of Nauka o Klimacie (Climate Science) and Ziemia na Rozdrożu (Earth at the Crossroads) websites. Laureate of numerous awards, including: “Journalists for Climate 2015”, “Renewable Energy Promoter 2016” and “Economicus 2016” in category “The best book propagating economic knowledge”. Team 1st prize for “Climate Science” in “Science Popularizer 2017” competition. „Leader in Sustainable Development Education” by Forbes magazine in 2022. Chairman of the monitoring committee of Green Deal projects, National Centre for Research and Development.